PASB Group of Companies (“the Group”) is committed to conduct its business dealings in an honest and ethical manner. To achieve this commitment, the Group adopts a zero tolerance approach against all forms of bribery and corruption in conducting its business. The Group complies with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 (Amended 2018) as well as other applicable laws, regulations and guidelines where the Group operates.
The Group is guided by the PASB Group Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policies (“the ABC”) which includes policies, procedures, pre-approval processes, risk assessments, due diligence, director and employee training programmes. All members of the Board of the Directors, employees, associated person and third parties must uphold the highest level of integrity and accountability in discharging their duties to ensure that business activities are conducted in compliance with the ABC Policy.
All members of the Board of the Directors, employees, associated person and third parties are strictly prohibited from the following activities:
- Receiving and offering bribes or participate in any form of bribery and corruption in its business dealing;
- Receiving (accepting) or offering (giving) any form of gifts, entertainment and corporate hospitality, whether directly or indirectly with the intention to bribe, to retain or gain a business advantage, or for personal gain;
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), donations and sponsorships made to improperly influence business outcomes;
- Donating or offering political contributions whether in monetary or non monetary form; and
- Making any form of facilitation payments
Disciplinary actions may be taken against an offender and the Group reserves the right to terminate any relationships with the third parties for breaches of the ABC including reporting to relevant authorities, where investigations confirm corruption.
Reporting of policy violations
Members of the Board of the Directors, employees, associated person and third parties who encounter actual or suspected violations of this Policy are required to promptly report their concerns in good faith without malicious intent as guided by PASB Group Whistleblowing Policy and Procedures.
Further clarifications
Should you require further clarification with regards to the scope of the applicable laws or application of the ABC, you may consult the Integrity Officer or Head of Corporate Services Division of PASB Group at:
- Telephone number: 082-231085; or
- Mailing address: Lot 357, Section 5, KTLD, Jalan Satok, 93400 Kuching, Sarawak.